Global Service Award (GSA)
The Global Service Award provides opportunities for financially burdened Loma Linda University (LLU) alumni of all disciplines, other than MD and DDS programs, to serve at Loma Linda University Health International Partner Sites in volunteer or limited-stipend positions while receiving educational loan repayment assistance. The GSA helps to alleviate some financial burden, enabling LLU graduates who are committed to global service to use their professional skills abroad. Graduates who aren’t in need of loan re-payment assistance may also apply.
Applications are accepted until the 3rd Thursday of December
Up to three scholarships shall be awarded each year on the following basis:
Commitment to global service |
Interview to assess interest in international work, willingness to serve abroad, demonstrated commitment to international service, interpersonal relationship skills, and ability to cope living in a different culture and in an international setting for one year or more |
Financial need |
Actual need for financial assistance which takes into account amount of loan repayment and any stipend/salaries provided by the international site |
References |
Feedback attesting to applicant’s initiative, leadership, strength of character, and high standards of conduct |
Site needs |
Specific skills, expertise, or profession that is needed by the international site |
GSA Application Process
1. Complete an application packet, which includes the following:
- GSA application
- Current curriculum vitae (CV) or resume
- Three (3) reference forms submitted by the referent in a sealed envelope directly to the Global Health Institute – at least one reference should be an LLU faculty member from whom you have taken a class, or your academic adviser. Reference may also include pastor, employer, or other non-family reference. The signature of Loma Linda University’s Director of Student Financial Aid, Verdell Schaefer vschaefer@llu.edu is required on the Worksheet for Loan Repayment (last page of GSA application)
2. Submit completed application packet to:
Global Health Institute
24888 Prospect Avenue
Loma Linda, CA 92354
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 3rd Thursday of December
Interview Process Schedule:
Applications and References Due: 3rd Thursday of December
Panel Interview: January
Award Notification: February
frequently asked questions
What is the Global Service Award?
The Global Service Award provides opportunities for financially burdened Loma Linda University (LLU) alumni of all disciplines (excluding MD and DDS programs) to serve overseas in volunteer or limited-stipend positions while receiving educational loan repayment assistance. The GSA helps to alleviate some financial burden, enabling LLU graduates who are committed to global service to use their professional skills abroad.
Who is eligible for the GSA?
LLU Alumni who have graduated within the last 10 years (from a degree program other than MD or DDS). Applicants should demonstrate financial need and be willing to commit to a period of six to twelve months of service abroad. Service may be approved for a maximum of three years with a brief annual reapplication.
Where do GSA recipients serve?
Recipients are placed in Seventh-day Adventist institutions or LLU international service sites. Placement is based upon site needs, a match of appropriate skills and expertise, and length of service. Applicants may suggest sites of interest; however, final site approval rests with Loma Linda University.
How does the application process work?
The competitive scholarship process includes an application, a panel interview, a review of three reference forms, and an evaluation of financial need. Applications are accepted in the fall quarter and assessed during the winter quarter.
What skills are needed most?
The specific skills, expertise, or types of health professionals needed vary depending on the needs of each international site. All applicants other than physicians and dentists will be considered for an award.
Who finances the GSA?
The award is made possible through the Charlie Liu endowment and through contributions from various LLU schools and the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
What financial assistance is available?
The GSA provides recipients with up to $2,000 of debt servicing per month while serving abroad. The exact amount of debt repayment is based on the degree earned and an assessment of the applicant’s student loans. The debt repayment award amount is a taxable benefit to the GSA recipient. The balance of debt after the service period ends is the responsibility of the recipient.
READ about GSAs serving abroad