Our Global Partners
International Partner Sites & Global Campuses
GHI collaborates with International Partner Sites in support of Loma Linda University Health's and Adventist Health international's outreach mission, to improve health around the world.
SEE international partner sites
In addition to Loma Linda University Health International Partner Sites, the Global Health Institute (GHI) collaborates with other organizations that have a global healthcare focus.
Adventist Health International (AHI)
More than 20 years ago, Adventist Health International was established as a hospital management organization to rebuild struggling Seventh-day Adventist hospitals and clinics in the developing world. Today, AHI works to improve the clinical and financial infrastructure within a network of hospitals and clinics around the world.
Christian Academy of African Physicians (CAAP)
Loma Linda University Health has partnered with other Christian universities and hospitals in Africa and the United States to create a new program to support specialty training for physicians in family medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics in Africa.
Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)
Loma Linda University maintains membership with CUGH. Visit the website for resources and opportunities to be involved.
International Post Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine (I-PGDFM)
I-PGDFM is an accredited 2-year blended learning program jointly offered by Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore, International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA), and Loma Linda University. The first cohort began in 2020.
Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS)
PAACS is a rural-based surgery training program in African Christian hospitals, directed by board-certified surgeons. Malamulo Adventist Hospital, one of our international partner sites, is an accredited PAACS training site.
Seventh-day Adventist General Conference - Loma Linda Office
The General Conference (GC) coordinates the global ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, a body set up under the belief that no man should be governed by the judgment of another, and any decision should be made by an assembly. The General Conference is responsible for the spiritual and developmental plans of the church around the world.
Seventh-day Adventist Church
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church church, which owns and operates Loma Linda University, also supports churches, academic and health care organizations throughout the world. The Global Health Institute collaborates with the SDA church to support its global outreach mission.
These are some of GHI's larger cooperative efforts, however, the institute continually works with other entities and departments to further its global outreach.